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Kristina Rosenhagen

Group facilitator | Dragon Dreaming project design | You Deserve a Stage project


I'm a trainer and facilitator with a passion for youth work, international projects, Erasmus+ programme, intercultural dialogue, with 10 years of experience in project/event management.

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About me

Hello everyone!

My name is Kristina. I live in Sweden, and I connect different cultures and countries in my training sessions and workshops, which inspires me a lot and opens up new horizons. I have been working with the international youth program Erasmus+ for 10 years, and now I am a member of the Swedish National Agency Pool of Trainers. My passion is international youth work in all its possible variations! 

Empowering young  individuals to create their dreams and support them in making these dreams come true is the work I really like to do. 

The topics of my training sessions are:

  • Social Inclusion and Diversity

  • Intercultural Learning

  • Non-Formal Education

  • International and Local Voluntary Service (and ESC)

  • Dragon Dreaming Project Design (about how to dream and make dreams come true in life)

  • Personal Development through Theater, Storytelling, and Creative Writing


Now, I am working in several directions:
My first direction is working with children and youth with autism, mental and physical disabilities, and ADHD. I am discovering how many of my wards have unique abilities and constantly support their educational process with gamification, non-formal methods, and a lot of love, of course.

The other direction is the project “You Deserve the Stage”, aimed at empowering young individuals in the rural areas of Sweden through creativity, building self-confidence, and engaging in personal development through theater and storytelling.
I truly believe that stage performances composed of individual monologues would be a powerful educational process for any youngsters to understand and embrace what they would love to do in their lives (where the inspiration comes from). They will become aware of their inner driving force/dreams and declare it from the stage.

Working Standards

  • "Personal Growth", by learning how to "dance with our dragons" we can empower ourselves more and more to discover our own strengths and skills.

  • "Community Building" which means to be supporting each other as much as we can.

  • "Service to the Earth", contributing to a positive human presence on the planet.

  • If it‘s not fun, it‘s not sustainable!

  • The Win-Win-Games only, and the end of the Win-Lose-Culture.

  • Pinakarri - about Deeper Listening each other and ourselves.

  • Inclusion and diversity.

Let's Dream Wider Training Course


WhatsApp / Telegram +46 76 070 6919

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