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Gestalt approach in Theatre

Access a feeling and put into performance

This project is devoted to learning how to recognize and express feelings, resulting in a public performance composed of individual monologues. The methodology is based on three pillars: the Gestalt approach, Stanislavski's system, and community building tools. This approach invites the whole personality (bodily, emotional, and cognitive) into the process that leads to deeper awareness and understanding of feelings.

June 2023

A first group of 10 international people gathered in Porto, conducting their final performance in the end August 2023 

Sept 2023 - Jul 2024

Four more groups gathered throughout this period, having different performances- monologues but also two unified storyline performances coming from within the group.


Sept 2024 

The ambition of this project is to continue the next season with the new Monologues group, a group working on pre-written script, and a group working on co-creation of a storyline. These three sub-groups will be united under the core principles of the project


The actor, first of all, explores themselves and tries to find the experience they need in themselves.
Strength comes from ability to face and sit with a wide range of emotions.
It is possible to live your feeling through only in the presence of the other.

Project cycle


Gather a group of 10 international participants - locals and migrants living in Porto. Participants are coming with very diverse backgrounds, and they may and may not have a previous experience with theater.


We meet once a week throughout 2 or 3  months. There are specific activities at each session leading to a performance. We work with accessing feelings, identity and core values of each person, body awareness exercises and group building activities. We do steps towards ability to recognize and express a wide range of emotions. Theoretical parts regarding Gestalt, non-formal education models and acting are also involved. And, there is also a fun part.


We prepare for and run a final performance that is normally done in the local professional theater space "Lugar" in Porto.


After the final performance, there is an additional gathering to celebrate results, evaluate the process and discuss  ideas for the future of the group. 


In order to start a new group or continue with an existing one, the following work is done:

a. Planning.

b. Promotion and visibility actions to gather a new group - online campaign in FB and Instagram.

c. Compilation of ongoing project results - booklets, handouts, photo materials, social media posts, website updates.

Overall, this is an important work that needs to be properly done and thus being financed.

The next Theater group

Start: September 2024

Meet the facilitator

Yulia Utenkova

I am a group facilitator & Gestalt practitioner, with experience in amateur theater group and 10 years working with non-formal education projects around Europe.

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Methodology of this project in details

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